扬州永丰余 YFY Paper(施胶辊Sizing Roll)
Success Story
Sizing Roll
客户名称 Customer Name: 扬州永丰余  YFY Paper
地点 Location: 江苏扬州
纸机号 PM Number: PM3
设备供应商 Machine OEM: VOITH
运行车速 Operation Speed: 1200mpm, 
Paper grade: 包装纸 Craft paper
升祥商品名称 Tradename: Biosize RS
应用位置 Application Position: 施胶,Sizing
辊面面宽 Face length: 7100 mm
完成直径 Finished Diameter: 1300 mm
包胶厚度 Cover Thickness: 20 mm
包胶硬度 Cover Hardness: 20 P&J
运行压力 Operational Loading: 60 kN/m
运行温度 Working Temperature: 70 °C
安装日期 First Installation Date: Oct-21
原商品名称 Previous Tradename: VOITH RU cover
客户期望Customer Expectation:
It has been used on the machine about 18months it is more than the foreign company's periode.,
运行成果 Running Result:
Sizing roll 成功在机上运行,与原来使用的福伊特和安德里茨包胶产品相比,使用效果明显。
The roll has run successfully in the machine for 18months,the product  performance over  VOITH Andriz,